Friday, April 29, 2011

The "Pepperoni's"

A few years ago we got some new neighbor's right across the street,  George and Dianne Papaioannou.  The babies have a tough time saying their name so they've named them the "Pepperoni's" Hahahah!  We love these people so much and my kids think of them as another set of Grandparents.  They are always doing the sweetest things such as giving the kids cute cards with some money for their B-days, they sent the kids movies for Christmas this past year while they spent the winter away in Arizona, they've come to both Regan and Morgan's baptisms, they've taken a couple of the kids out to a movie, they paid Regan a while back to watch their cat while they were out of town, they also travel a lot so when they vacation they often times bring little souvenir's back for the kids.  I remember when the babies were born they brought over an enormous box of diapers for the twins that lasted a good month.  They are just the most thoughtful people and treat our family like gold and aside from all of the nice things I mentioned above, they are so friendly and caring and are always looking out for our family.  My kids get so sad in the Fall because George and Dianne take off to spend 6 months in Arizona since they don't enjoy the cold weather and they are big time golfers.  It's so sad because the kids count down the months until they will be back.  In fact, starting in January of this month, a couple of times a week while I'd be putting Porter and Kami to bed, they would look out their bedroom windown and point to the Papaioannou's house and say, "no Pepperoni's back home yet."  A couple of weeks ago they sent us an e:mail saying they'd be back in town on Sunday so my kids were screaming with excitement and made a giant poster welcoming them home to stick on their front door.  When we got home from church that afternoon, they noticed the poster was gone which probably meant they were home or it blew away so all 6 kids went running up to their front door hoping George and Dianne would open up.  Sure enough, George opened up the door to some very excited children and scooped them up in his arms while Dianne tried to stay standing upright while the rest bombarded her with hugs.  It was the cutest thing EVER!!  If only I'd had my camera in hand, dang!  Anyway, last week they invited all the kids over for a Easter egg hunt in their front yard.  They set up one section of the lawn for the older kids and a small section for the twins so everyone would get some eggs and then they took them all in the house for a big prize which was the movie, "Tangled", 6 little bottles of bubbles, and some peeps!  How cute is that??  I love these people and I'm grateful that we've been blessed with such great neighbors all the way up and down our street!! 


Jocelyn said...

Best neighbors EVER!!! I love that the twins call them the Pepperonis. So dang cute.

Christie said...

How sweet is that. I hope I'm that kind of neighbor when I get older that all the kids love. I'm going to put that in my memory bank of things to do. So nice to have great neighbors, the more people that love children the more blessed their life can be.

Greg and Wendy said...

I had never heard that Porter and Kami call them the "Pepperoni's!" Hysterical! If you haven't told George and Diane, you'd better! That is too cute! You have been blessed with the best neighbors in that house across the street as well as up and down your block! We all need to take a lesson and be that kind of neighbor!

Seth and Natalie said...

Wow, those are some great neighbors. Putting on an easter egg hunt? That's pretty impressive. We don't have any neighbor's within walking (for little legs) distance, so they miss out on how much fun that could be.