Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Oh, so much to be thankful for:

*  Our warm home that protects us from this crazy, CRAZY, storm that has been here for 3 days now!!      There is nothing more beautiful than flocked trees!
*  A furnace that is keeping us toasty warm!
*  My kids excitement over all the snow despite the low temperatures--they shoveled with DJ yesterday morning and proceeded to play outside in the wind and cold for several more hours building snow tunnels and forts.  Aaaahhh...to be a kid again!
*  FHE last night and a funny comment by Jordyn.  Morgan was giving the lesson on the Word of Wisdom.  We were talking about how when people drink and take drugs they aren't in control of their actions, words, or thoughts. Jordyn said, "it's like this, you go up to someone that has been drinking beer and ask them what their favorite color is."  And they say, "no I don't know what time it is."  ha ha ha ha!!
*  2 wake up calls ( 5 a.m. and 5:45 a.m.)  Porter and Kamryn both needing to go potty.  No, I don't like waking up at that hour but it's awesome that they have that much bladder control at 2 years old!  Thankfully they generally get right back in to bed!
*  Kaleb's love for drawing and writing his letters.  His favorite thing to do is write all the letters he knows all in a row and then ask me over and over again what it spells and then he laughs his head off when I sound out his crazy words that make no sense.  He is the cutest little guy!
*  My parents--I love them more every day. I'm just sad sometimes that I didn't always appreciate their wise council while growing up.  It's funny how you really start to appreciate it when you're raising your own kids.
*  My kids--I love each one of them--all the same amount but just in different ways and for different things.  They are all so unique and awesome in their own way.
*  Health--While running around the house doing laundry and cleaning up after the kids yesterday, the thought came to me how blessed I am to have sufficient energy to do my day to day tasks. 
*  2 year olds--I just said it yesterday--but they are funny.  This morning after taking Porter to the bathroom, I said, "you had to go so bad, huh?"  He says, "ya, I a stink pot."
*  My grandparents, especially grateful that I still have my Grandma Johnson and my Grandma and Grandpa Rose still living.  I'm even lucky enough to live near my Grandma J.  I think often about how neat it is that my kids know their Great Grandparents as well as they do.  How often does that happen?
Mommy, I'm freeeeeezing!

Hard at work (and some play)

Before this huge 3 day storm this is what the yard looked like.  This picture just makes me smile! 


Brooke said...

Thank you for sharing your thankful posts. We are truly blessed as parents, but you put it so well. That and you have the best kids...I'm a little jealous! :)

Jocelyn said...

Jordy's comment is still making me laugh!! That is SO awesome!

And life really is so so good. Warm house, happy kids, good marriage -- I mean, what else can you ask for??

Greg and Wendy said...

Yes, we all have much for which to be grateful, don't we? I am thankful for grandkids' hilarious remarks! They keep us laughing! I wouldn't go back, mind you, but I do miss the constant funniness that is part of daily life with little kids. Thanks for sharing with us!