Monday, November 22, 2010


Today I'm thankful for:
* beautiful snow storms that we've been pounded with the past 3 days. 
* huge snowflakes that fell from the sky that felt more like snowballs. 
* really great kids that surprised DJ and I with a completely shoveled driveway after a fun shopping date! (okay, we had the twins with us) but it's still a date!
* DJ lining all of the kids up in the living room Saturday morning trying on all of their ski gear.  You could literally feel (and hear) the excitement and anticipation of the fast approaching ski season. 
* finding that we had ski gear for ALL of our kids for yet another fun ski season (thanks Aunt Ann)--just having to buy boots and poles for DJ and me which we found at Play It Again Sports!! 
* Little Kami that consistently reminds us to have prayer and chastises anyone openly if they eat before or during the prayer, "NO EAT PRAYER" (namely, Porter) 
* Personal Progress program--though Regan is literally smoking me, I'm slowly working on the program along side her.  It' forcing me to have more meaningful scripture study and more frequent and fervent prayers. 
* one whole week home with no school and no work for DJ--seriously, how often does that happen??
* a stocked fridge which means we can stay home, eat yummy food, and have fun together!
* A fun Friday night playing games with our kids
* 4 kids that can actually understand and play some of the same games that DJ and I like to play.  (Not that I  don't love a good game of Candy Land:)
* A sweet musical number in Sacrament Meeting yesterday by a young boy and a sweet single sister in our ward.  They both have amazing voices and blended so well together.  Actually, the whole meeting was pretty great!
* To hear my husband say he felt "stress free" for a few moments while were on a little date!  Those words were music to my ears! 
*  a little more patience every day in stressful situations with the kids--scripture study and prayer really do work!
*  Funny conversations with the twins--2 year olds are the best!
*  A cute comment by Kaleb, "Mom, guess what? I'm creative!"  And when asked what creative means, "he replies, "it means that you can think up really cool stuff without any help!"
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Greg and Wendy said...

Beautiful, funny, heartwarming all in one!

Jocelyn said...

Awesome, awesome list.

And just for the record, I *don't* love a good game of Candyland. :)