Monday, November 15, 2010


Willy Wonka's cutest squirrel....Jordyn Teichert!  I LOVE this makeup but it didn't love her.  Saturday morning after waking up from a long rest, she looked more like a chipmunk than a squirrel thanks to a bad allergic reaction to the costume makeup.  Her face was swollen, itchy, and irritated and with only a few hours until the Matinee performance we had to act fast.  Benadryl left her face looking much better but she couldn't hide her tired eyes on stage.  I thought she may even fall asleep in the chocolate river at one point but she perked up a bit and made it through.  The evening performance went much better, I think she must've caught her second wind!  Anyway, no more costume makeup, just a bit of hypoallergenic powder, white acrylic paint for her eyes and a big black dab of makeup on her nose and she's good to go for another 3 nights! 
What an experience this has been for Jordyn!  She has her last 3 performances this week which will make a grand total 7 performances and it is one adorable production!   

Doesn't this guy make a great Willy Wonka....freaky eyes and all? 
Many more pictures to come!!
Jeselyn and Jordyn!

I LOVE these costumes--thank goodness I didn't have to sew my own!

Jordyn and Jeselyn with one of the Oompa Loompas!

Jordyn has made lots of new friends--one of the best parts of partcipating in the play.

Alley and Jordyn-  Jordyn adores Alley and thinks they are best friends (even though Alley is "12")  It's perfect though because Jordyn thinks She's "12"!

The adorable Oompa Loompas!


Greg and Wendy said...

Love the pics but please take a side view of her (if you haven't) so we can all see the adorable squirrel tail! Hope she got some good sleep yesterday!

Greg and Wendy said...

By the way, Willy Wonka was PERFECT! Loved him!

Greg and Wendy said...

Thanks for adding more pics. Oh, if only the squirrels in our back yard were as cute!

Jocelyn said...

Oh, she is SO adorable!!! I'm glad it's been so fun for her. She seriously looks so darn cute.

Christie said...

Jordy, you look so cute. You and Whit must have the same skin, she's allergic to everything including Benadryl, yea can you belive that. Jordy hope your mom taped the performance so we can watch it sometime. love ya