Thursday, September 9, 2010


I can think of no better nickname for Kamryn than this!  She's all about pink:  pink clothes, pink underwear, pink pajamas, pink hairstuff, pink treats, pink crayons, pink toys, pink dress-ups, pink books, pink candy, pink plates, pink get the idea.  She includes a certain shade of purple in her "pink" obsession but is very particular at that.  I usually think it's adorable except when I'm trying to get her to wear the non-pink clothing in her closet.  She is all about girly stuff and is most happy playing polly pockets, loading her pink/purple purse, playing with her pink dolly and getting her fingernails painted (w/ pink fingernail polish, of course).  The thing that makes me laugh the most about her little obsession with pink is that she thinks Porter should be equally obsessed with "blue".  So being the little mother that she is to him, she picks out all of his blue toys and makes a large pile on the couch for him to play with.  I'm still not sure if she's just being the nice sissy or if she's afraid that he might invade her "pink" territory.  I love this little girl and love her personality.  She loves hugs and kisses from me and is happy when I will just sit and snuggle with her--but if I can't hold her, she reaches out for me and says, "hand, hand" so I'll hold her hand.  She is talking really well now and says pretty much everything.  My favorite thing right now is "Gamma paint pretty."  She loves for Grandma to paint her nails and it's the first thing she says to my mom when we visit.  She shows everyone her "petty" nails, even perfect strangers.  So far, the so called "terrible two's" haven't hit.  I love my little babies!
Kamryn set this whole little play area up in her bedroom one afternoon.  I walked in on her doing her hair with her pretend hair stuff!
Dress-up is the best!
The proof is in the pink! Yep, she picks out all of the different shades of pink/purple crayons and is happy to "cudder" for quite a while.


Nigbur Family said...

I can't believe how big she looks! What a little doll! You're so lucky the terrible 2's haven't hit yet!

Greg and Wendy said...

Oooooh, just love my little pinkalicious Kami! I now have put pink nailpolish in my purse so I am prepared for nail painting at anytime and anyplace! I was broken-hearted I didn't have any at the cross-country meet! Never again! Give both of our little twinners big kisses and hugs and tell them they are from Gamma and Gampa! Oh, and
does Kami pick out shades of blue crayons for Porter? Just wondering!

Cindy said...

Nope, she just pushes the remainder of the colors over to his coloring space.

Seth and Natalie said...

Pinkalicious just happens to be Rylee's favorite book. Seth gets a little pinked out sometimes but I love it. Kami is such a cute little girl, and so caring to help her bro have a favorite color too.

Jocelyn said...

Precious. I love the crayon picture. I can't believe she's so independent and mature in that way. What a doll.

Greg and Wendy said...
