Thursday, December 31, 2009

Serious Backtracking

I'm ashamed of myself and my lack of blogging lately, but it's been a crazy, whirlwind past 2 weeks. I won't even try to write in depth about our happenings for fear it might take me hours on the computer so I'll just stick to my crumpled up list from my purse that I've been jotting things down on off and on.

* Grandma Johnson asked the girls to sing at the Care Center in Idaho Falls where she was in charge of the Christmas program. The sang 2 songs, Winter Wonderland and Picture a Christmas. It was fun for them to have a singing opportunity again, since it's been a while.

* The girls were in the cutest Christmas play put on by their entire school, the Principal even played Santa which the girls thought was awesome! The music was adorable and costumes were cute and simple. I have to admit, I was near tears while Regan was giving her part, it dawned on me that this is her last year of Elementary school and her last year to be with her sisters at the same school for quite a few years. Anyway, I'm turning in to a big cry baby the older I get, it's just hard to see my kids grow up. I love this stage, right now, while I still feel like a have a little control (okay, a VERY little)

* My brother, Matt, and his cute family came for the holidays from Florida. The kids played so good together, you'd never know they had been apart for a year. We all met up at Pomerelle Ski Resort in Burley for a family ski day the Friday before Christmas. Mom and dad helped with the babies while the rest of us were either skiing or helping the little ones learn how to ski. My sister Lori proved to be the master ski instructor for the day, and she even did it w/out a set of ski's on her feet. She just spent the day running up and down the hill giving instructions to mostly Jordyn, Kaleb, and her little guy, Jack. Thanks, Aunt Lor...Jordyn now loves to ski!!

* The next day (December 19) we had the best Family Christmas Party ever!! Our Annual Rose Family Christmas Party in Park Valley. This has been a tradition in my dad's family since I was a little girl and has continued on through the years. We always have wonderful food, a fun talent show, game time, all the kids act out the Nativity with costumes for everyone right down to the donkey's and sheep. There's present opening, party favors, recipe book put together by my mom that is added to every year by everyone, and tons of laughter, eating, and fun! This year was made even better because Matt and Sara and the kids were able to be there. Thanks to my Grandma and Grandpa Rose for making this party possible, (with help from my Aunt's, of course) I love you!!!!

* The next day, after church, we headed to Blackfoot for our little Rose family Christmas party at mom and dad's. The kids had more fun together, mom and dad made their famous pot of Clam Chowder and, if I'm not mistaken, this was the best pot EVER! We had more present opening, more food, tons of visiting, and just enjoyed being together. I always miss my siblings but for some reason, this year I realized just how much I love being together and I had a bad case of the blues last week knowing that I probably wouldn't see my brother for another year. He is such a great guy and someone I've always looked up to. It was nice to give him a hug and have him say, "Hey Sis" again! I really miss that!

* Monday afternoon, mom & dad, Grandma J, Matt & Sara and the kids, came to our house to visit and the kids spent most of their time playing outside in our skiff of snow. The Florida kids loved what little snow we had and my kids were happy to have buddies to play with all afternoon. Matt spent the afternoon with Regan downloading songs on to her new mp3 player she got for Christmas, which thrilled Regan to death. She idolizes her Uncle Matt!! He even left her a few bucks for more MP3 downloads and you would've thought he'd given her the moon. Thanks Uncle Matt!!!

* Christmas Eve the girls and I spent the morning cooking a big turkey dinner and setting a fancy table, much to Regan's enjoyment. (this is the kid that LOVES to make any meal fancy) I don't do anything fancy, in fact, I think Regan's just plain sick of eating off of our plastic sectioned plates so this was extra special for her. Grandma Johnson joined us for dinner and then the kids entertained us with their talents and we ended the evening watching a DVD of the Savior. The kids drank their "magic hot chocolate potion" to help them go to sleep so Santa could come, they left oatmeal and apple chunks on the lawn for Rudolph and then quickly fixed Santa a plate of goodies and then willingly went to sleep excited to see what Santa would bring the next morning. Right before bed, they all asked if I thought they had been good kids this year, I think they had a small case of guilt for the fighting they had done the past year.

*Christmas morning was amazing! I'll hopefully blog about it later but for now, I'll just say that I enjoyed this Christmas more than any before. I really tried hard to not be stressed and to keep the my focus on the Savior this year. And, though it was busy, I was able to enjoy the whole month of December and everything that it brought. I really enjoyed my kids excitement and the fun things they did in preparation for the holidays. They made tons of paper crafts, including a Christmas countdown sign, a poster paper tree which they added homemade paper ornaments to every day, and we had Christmas music playing around the clock. The kids decorated the Chrismas tree all by themselves, I really didn't touch it at all and therefore, when the babies took ornaments off of it, it really didn't bother me! Anyway, it really was fun and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

* Chrismas day we continued our donut making tradition. It was an all day project but the end product of 125 donuts was well worth the effort. We stuffed ourselves full of donuts and took some around to the neighbors. It was fun to hear the kids talk about this fun tradition and what it means to them, particularly Morgan! I loved visiting with her because I find out just how important little things like this mean to her.

More to come another day..... Happy New Year Everyone!


Jocelyn said...

You guys have been BUSY! Guess that's why we haven't talked a whole lot lately! So glad the holidays were so great.
Love you!

Greg and Wendy said...

Glad you're home safe and sound. I enjoyed your recap so much! I WILL get around to my own recap of the last few weeks, but it is not happening right now! Wow, it was a great holiday this year, wasn't it? Matt and Sara being home really made it extra special! Love you all!