Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Buddy!

Our little Kaleb turned 4 years old today! It's been a strange day, I've just spent much of it looking at this little boy wondering where the last 4 years have gone. Even though I have the twins, for some reason, he's still my baby boy. I know that sounds weird but it's the truth. I will never forget the moment he was born--I could hardly believe that we had a baby boy. I guess I just figured we'd keep on having girls since we seemed to be doing that pretty well. He was born 5 1/2 weeks early and had a bit of a rough start spending a week in the Special Care Nursery. I wasn't able to hold him much at all during that time so I spent the days sitting in the rocking chair next to him holding his tiny little hand and praying that he would be okay. The girls were dying to meet there new brother and it killed me to not be able to take him home and be together as a family. I remember being really emotional during this time, partly because of hormones being completely out of wack but I was really scared that he wouldn't get better but after a rough couple of months in and out of doctor's offices and the hospital, his little body got stronger and things got considerably better. You'd never know by looking at him now that he started out so tiny. He's a little tank, not chubby, just solid as a rock! I love him so much--I can't imagine life without him. Some of my favorite things about Kaleb are:

*his adorable smile, complete with dimples
*his sparkly eyes when he smiles
*his kindness towards his siblings
*his layed back personality
*his enthusiasm for life-he seriously gets excited about the littlest things, namely a candy bar
*his love for everything having to do with cowboys, he's got it in his blood (he's going to be a "cowboy missionary"
*his facial expressions-if eyes could talk, his would
*His love for grandma's and grandpa's
*his ability to entertain himself with a stick and a rope
*his honesty- he tells me exactly how he's feeling, what he needs, and what I should do about it
*his determination to do whatever his sisters do
*his stinking cute personality.
I love this little guy! Happy Birthday, Buddy!


Jocelyn said...

Happy Birthday, Kaleb!!!!!!

We love you! And your card will come...SOON!

Greg and Wendy said...

Oh, we love this little boy, too! It hardly seems that four years have passed since that tiny little surprise entered our world 5 weeks early! We are so thankful he is so healthy...he is a light in our lives!

Stacy said...

Happy Birthday Kaleb! Jordyn has been telling me about your birthday for about a week!

Jennekah said...

Cindy - I always get a boost when I read your blog. Tell Kaleb Happy Bday and Jodyn she is way too cute! Lov you Cindy!

Unknown said...

I read ur blog, not at all but...i saw that u are o mother of 6 children.I think that's amazing!!!I see how happy you are and proud and lucky..haha
I wanna have too a big family after some years..
Well, happy birthday to Kaleb....even if it was some days ago