Wednesday, July 4, 2012

So far behind

I can't believe that school has been out for over a month and I'm just getting to blog about the end of school....I guess it just proves that this summer has been filled with tons of fun stuff which means no time for blogging until now!!

Anyway, the kids finished off another year of school and I'm left wondering how it's possible that we'll have a high schooler and 3 full time elementary students next year.  It boggles my mind to think that I have only one more year with the twins at home until they are off to Kindergarten.  I swore I wouldn't baby these two and I haven't intentionally tried to but there is just something about the last kids, it's just next to impossible not to.  I'm trying really hard to break myself and everyone around me from calling them "the babies" but that's what they've always been to all of us and part of me doesn't want to let that go.....:( anyway, enough of that!!  I took very few pictures of the kids with their end of school activities but I wanted to document a couple of fun things!

Every year the 4th-6th graders get to put together and paint rockets and then launch them in front of parents and classmates.  All the kids really look forward to doing this and Morgan was no exception.  She painted hers purple, silver, and black and it turned out pretty awesome looking.  Here she is waiting for her turn to launch her rocket.

It's almost my turn!
Ready, set, launch!! 
All the kids take off running in hopes that they might catch their rocket as it's falling from the sky.  Morgan wasn't quite that lucky! 
Bringing it back for a second launch! 
Morgan and Watson playing on the playground after rocket launching. 

Looking at this picture makes me kind of sad knowing that Kaleb will be gone all day at school next year.  I'm not a big fan of half day Kindergarten but I did love the extra time I got with him while the twins were napping and while the others were at school.  He's growing up much too fast for my liking although he thinks that I'm a mean mom for still making him take the occasional nap. :)  I'm a firm believer that most kids need naps until they are 5-6 and sometimes and sometimes even until they are 36! :):)

Kaleb's teacher, Mrs. Schuester came up with the idea of having a letter of the day for the last several weeks of school.  The kids could bring things starting with the letter for that day and they'd have special show and tell time to tell about what they brought.  If truth be told, Kaleb was pretty upset some of the days because kids were bringing in live animals and one kid even had his dad bring a horse. What??  Kaleb had a bad case of "green with envy" until he came up with the idea of wearing all of his cowboy stuff that Grandpa and Grandma Rose have given him for "R" day (Rodeo)  He was decked out in his cowboy hat, chaps, jeans, cowboy shirt, bandana, and his brand spanking new boots.  I still can't believe that I didn't take a picture of him but he was pretty proud of himself! I thought it was cute because on "m" day, I was given him some ideas of things to bring and he says, "no, I want to bring my mom for (m) day"  Aaaahh!! I love this kid! 
I love this smile on his face, he was patiently waiting his turn to introduce me as his guest!

What a wierd picture of me, good thing Kaleb is so cute!

Jordyn and with a few of her school buddies.  These girls are pink lovers!
Jordyn with her absolute favorite teacher, Mrs. Funke.  One day Jordyn just randomly told her teacher that there was a house for sale down our street.  Evidently, Mrs. Funke had been not seriously house hunting but looking at some possible options and had seen this house on her computer. So, Jordyn our little realter: ), went to work hoping and praying and maybe pleading with her teacher to buy the house.  Funny enough, they did buy the house and now Jordyn's dream has come true, her favorite teacher is just a few doors down from us!  How fun is that? 
Mom and Jordyn at the rocket launching!
Jordyn and Mom at the rocket launching

Regan and her best friend,Lindee,  heading off to one of their last days of Middle school!

1 comment:

Greg and Wendy said...

For some reason, I didn't fully understand how much a part of Mrs. Funke's home purchase was because of the little realtor, Jordy! When that girl wants something...she sets about getting it done, doesn't she?!