Monday, May 14, 2012

Better Late than never (Happy 10th Morgan)

Wow!! I can't believe we have another one in double digits. What is happening to my little family?  Morgan turned "10" years old a couple of weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to posting about it!  We spent the day doing All things B-Day, birthday breakfast, treats for her class at the school, friend party combined with a cute girl in our ward who is also in her school class (they happen to share the same B-Day), and then of course our fun family B-Day party with Grandma and Grandpa Rose and Grandma Johnson and as if we hadn't partied enough, our neighbor down the street celebrated his 50th B-day so his wife threw a big surprise party! 

We saw this fun idea in the family fun magazine for a Photo Booth so Morgan and I made up our own simple version and it ended up being one of the funnest things.  My friend pulled out all of her goofy costume things and the girls were all giggles as they tried on various costumes and posed.  This is a fun age for a party because the girls are still young enough to enjoy the simple stuff and they just talk and laugh and enjoy hanging out!  Morgan and Kaylee are complete opposites but really enjoy being together!  Kaylee is a sweet girl and comes  from a wonderful family so how fun is that she and Morgan share the same B-Day! 
Kami, Morgan, Grandpa, and Porter!  Oh how they love their Grandpa! Morgan and Kaleb got to go branding a few weeks ago with Grandpa and they both have the dream of becoming "true" cowgirls and cowboys.  Grandpa always makes sure that they have nice boots, chaps, hats, etc. so they fit right in with the rest.  Morg's scored some sweet boots from Grandpa and Grandma for her B-Day which she was pretty pumped about. 
She also got some new running shoes which she's been begging for for quite awhile. She's looking forward to another season of Gem State Track so they'll come in handy!

She also got a squirt gun, goggles, swimming suit, money from Regan, candy from Porter and Kami which they were happy to open up for her and really happy when she decided to share with them :):)  I know why they always pick candy out for their siblings B-Day's!  
One thing about Morgan is that she LOVES flowers and always has.  She's always commented on the neighbors flowers and begged me to grow a few but because I seem to always kill flowers, I've always declined. I've always felt a little bad because she honestly and genuinely loves them, she loves the smell, she's interested in the names of them, she loves to watch the bee's swarm around them, she loves the color variety, you get the idea.  Anyway, I told her a couple of weeks before her B-Day that she could have this little section in our backyard for her flower garden and she was thrilled.  She immediately got to work weeding, raking, picking rocks, breaking up dirt clods etc. to get the ground prepped for flowers.  DJ transplanted a few bushes from the front yard in her spot just to take some room and then my sweet friend picked up a few flowers for Morgan for her B-Day. I thought, darn, that would be fun to add a bunch more to it so I went and bought a flat of beautiful flowers and surprised her with them on her B-Day!  I think she was pretty thrilled and she's cared for them ever since faithfully.  It's still too cold to plant them outside and the plants are getting a tad wilty so we planted a few in a flower pot and we're praying that the rest hang on until we get out of the freeze scares!  
The Birthday party was lots of fun it just bums me out that DJ's parents live so far away that they don't get to come.  They are always so sweet to call on each of the kids B-Day and serenade the kids with "Happy Birthday" and this year Morgan got money from them so she could go on a shopping spree which she was pretty thrilled about!  I think this is one of the signs of growing up when they get excited about having their own money to spend things on.  The Monday after her B-Day I took her B-Day shopping along with Regan and Jordyn and had a fun girls night out.  It was really cute to see Morgan manage her money.  She knew what she wanted before we got to the store and she wasn't deterred by all of the many options out there.  She needed Capri's, a couple of shirts, and some shoes and that is just what she came home with. She, of course, needed her dad's approval on everything which I thought was pretty cute.   

Morgan with Grandma Johnson (it wouldn't be a party without her)  We are so blessed to live in the same town as Grandma Johnson and she has faithfully attended all of my children's B-Day's when health permitted.  I love her dearly!

Morgan opening her boots from Grandma and Grandpa Rose!  Do you think she is excited??? 

And, yes, you've got to love Morg's..always goofing off.  She tried on her new goggles, swimming suit, and of course, her new boots!  Love this kid!

Kaleb and Morgan with their new boots!

Kaleb with his best buddy, Grandpa!

Morgan requested cheesecakes for her B-day cake.  She didn't even want candles, What??  I love this just shows her goofy personality:)

Morgan with Grandma Rose whom she is pretty fond of!! 

And....Morgan with her buddy, Dad! She loves her dad so much and if you ask me, they look tons alike.  One thing about Morgan is that she values the time she spends with her dad and really misses him when he's not around.  I think that the 4 years he's been Bishop has been a times hard on her because she just wants him around even if they aren't necessarily doing things together. She loves playing soccer with him, throwing the football, working outside with him, she loves it if he can lay with her at night.  I hope she will marry someone as great as him someday!!

Grandpa and Grandma Rose with Morgan!  How sweet is this picture. 

Things that are unique about Morgan:
She's genuine
She's sensitive
She's passionate
She adores soccer
She dislikes piano :) 
But, she's an excellent pianist
She's an amazing memorizer (she's memorized all 25 Book of Mormon scripture mastery's and has started on the Doctrine and Covenants)
She's a great student and excels in math and English
She loves to read (her reading level spans from 6th to 12th grade)
She doesn't like to be wrong:):) Just sayin'
She's interested in the whys and how's of things
She doesn't necessarily love doing jobs but when she puts her mind to the task at hand, she does her very best and puts all of her effort in to it
She's a loyal friend
She loves her rip stick and is getting to be pretty awesome at it!

Something about Morgan that I need to jot down for future reference is that she has a problem with her shoulder called, Multi directional Instability which is in simple terms, looseness of the shoulder joints.  She can easily pop her shoulder in and out of joint which is pretty disgusting to watch and she has a lot of pain with it when she does any kind of sport that requires a lot of movement with her arms such as baseball, tennis, basketball, I guess that's why she's a soccer player (not that you don't use your arms) but it just doesn't seem to bother her as much except when she has to do overhead throw-ins.  Anyway, just thought I would jot this down while I'm thinking about it. 
We love you Morgan and we're so thankful you are in our family! Happy 10th Birthday!!!!


Seth and Natalie said...

10, wow! Morgan is so beautiful, and I agree that she has that Teichert look to her. I love all her presents and am jealous of all of them. Is it weird that I covet a 10 year old's presents? Especially the candy? The twins are invited to my party any time. You don't look or seem old enough for kids this age, so whatever you are doing keep it up!

Greg and Wendy said...

Dad and I just commented the other day how absolutely gorgeous Morgan is. Watch out! And yes, she is a Teichert! I love her multi-faceted personality...she has so many totally different types of interests! This little girl has a very special place tucked away deep in my heart!

Greg and Wendy said...

Oh, and I might add that she is tree-climber supreme!

Lindsay said...

Happy birthday to Morgan! I love how her fun personality shows through in pictures.