Thursday, December 2, 2010

life lately...

*  Porter's acting like a typical "2" year old.  Giant tantrums, screaming in my face, etc.  It's not cute, but, I'm keeping my cool and we're working through it. 
* Jordyn's stomach problems continue but seem to be worse than ever right now.  As a result we spent 3 hours in and out of the Dr's office yesterday, took a trip to the hospital for an x-ray of her stomach, a visit to Walmart to spend another chunk of money on another medicine that probably won't help.  Thankfully, I have a little 4 year old that is as good as gold.  Really, he's such a good kid and patiently waited, hungry belly and all while his sister got checked out.  The babies held up pretty well until an hour past lunch, then it got a little ugly.  Oh well, we made it through. 
* not sure whether sending Jordyn to school while all this is going on is a good idea.  She's obviously not contagious but she doesn't feel good but if I let her stay home, she'd miss the whole year.  What to do?
*  after cutting wheat out of her diet for 2 weeks and seeing no improvement, we're on to cutting out all dairy for the next  two weeks.  I think we might be on to something, the cheesecake we had for FHE didn't sit well with her at all. 
*  I wish I had all the answers. 
*  I feel bad that she hurts so much, I just want her to enjoy life as a 7 year old
*  It could be worse, much, much, worse and I do recognize that.  I'm grateful that it's not.
*  The holiday season is upon us.  Our house is decorated and the Christmas music is playing around the clock. I really love this time of year, and believe it or not, I'm enjoying all the wintry weather we're experiencing.  It just adds to the mood of the season!
*  We have one excited boy that is having a B-day this weekend.  He is SOOOO excited he can barely stand it.  All he wants is a remote control helicopter.  So much that he tried to make his own:  2 pencils, one taped across the other, one for the body,one for the wings, and tons of tape to hold it together, then he attached a long piece of yarn to it and has been "flying" it off the banister and he's thrilled with it. 
*  I've been missing my brother and his family a lot this week.  They live in Florida and we rarely see them.  I always miss them but for some reason it's been a tough week.
* We had an awesome ward party last night.  We went caroling in small groups to many of our ward members and delivered goodies to them.  The snow was lightly falling, not a ounce of wind, and the temperature was great. The kids were so excited and sang their hearts out.  I love our ward and I loved seeing the reaction of the people as they opened their doors.
*  Regan has a choir concert tomorrow night.  I get to make goodies for the bake sale and I also get to work there.  I think I'm excited:)!
* I'm missing DJ's work party tonight that I look forward to every year due to this crazy time of life we are currently in.  I'm glad he still gets to go.
*  Thanksgiving was great even though we had to change our plans due to icy roads.  My kids had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa Rose's house.  The food was amazing!!!  We got to spend time with Grandma Johnson, we worked on a cute quilt to donate to a shelter, (Morgan particularly loved this project), we relaxed and just had a great time.  I was so disappointed that we couldn't make it to Promentory with the rest of our family but I'm glad that we didn't try to go because just driving home from Blackfoot was treacherous that night.
*  I'm glad I live in the same town as my Grandma J.  She's an amazing person.  I picked her up from the bus stop yesterday after a 5 day trip to Utah.  The people coming off the bus before her commented on what a neat person she is.  I'm proud to be her granddaughter.
*  I love to cook and try new recipes and consider myself pretty brave in this area.  As far as crafting goes, I totally don't trust myself and my brain gets frazzled even thinking about a project.  Once again, I find myself wondering how my sisters are so dang crafty and I don't have even an ounce of it in me.
*  I find pictures like this around the house all of the time.  Jordyn LOVES to draw, this is one of her latest creations:
I love the little captions:  "Don't I look pretty,"  Don't I look fabulous" Illustrated by Jordyn Teichert 
The spelling of the words makes me laugh.  It's really amazing that she is such a great reader because the spelling is not quite there:) 


Jocelyn said...

I love these posts. I'm really sorry about Jordy. I didn't realize it was that bad. I hope cutting out dairy can give her some relief or that you'll be able to find some other answers soon.
Her art is awesome. Chloe thinks Jordyn is the best artist in the world.
I love Kaleb's helicopter! Clever. Brig wants a robot for Christmas and I have no idea what to even look for for a 4 year old! I love their imaginations, though. It's so cute.

You're busy. I sure love you.

Seth and Natalie said...

Oh, the terrible two's. Our nearly 2 year old is catching on to what that means already. And how sad for Jordyn and her poor tummy. That really sounds awful, I hope you can figure out how to help her. Life lately for you sounds pretty dang busy, but fun.

Brooke said...

Not knowing what's wrong with your kids is the worst. I hope that you're able to figure it out soon, and that it's not too difficult of an adjustment.

Greg and Wendy said...

Oh, our hearts (and stomachs) hurt for our little Jordy! I truly hope you find out it is the dairy products. You can deal with whatever it is if you can just put a name to it! It breaks our hearts that she's so miserable.
Hey, why didn't you call me for some help last night so you could go with DJ? tsk tsk I was home just wrapping presents that could have waited.

Greg and Wendy said...

Amen to your thoughts on Grandma J. We talked last night for quite awhile and she was telling me about the returned missionaries she befriended on the way home. She asked if I could call the mother of the one she sat by who is from Blackfoot to get acquainted. I will do that! She is just the best, isn't she? Thanks so much "shuttling" her to and from the shuttle. She loves and appreciates you so much and we're so grateful you live in IF.

Anonymous said...

Poor Jordyn. I hope she will get better soon. Tell her I said hi and I miss her!! Hope everything is going good. :)

Jaedon Flora said...

Ok Cindy we need to talk. Are we going through the exact same things together and we don't even know it?

I will call you . .. PROMISE

PS Matisse is on a new diet because of her stomach. My sister is in Florida. My twins act like they are two years old. Hmmmm sound familiar?