Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Going to great lengths....


Here's how a game of hide 'n seek goes at our house:

kids hide, DJ finds them in nothing flat.....

then it's his turn to hide, he comes up with an ingenious hiding place....

kids search for approximately 20 minutes and then GIVE UP!

This is where we finally find him after he hollers at us from the top of Jordyn's closet--

(one time he actually lifted up our couch downstairs and got underneath it, then set it back down on top of himself. We looked forever and finally I noticed the couch looked a little tipsy after walking by there at least a dozen times--the kids will never forget that one!


Jocelyn said...

Are you kidding me????!!!! That's awesome!!

Brooke said...

Awesome! We love a great game of hide 'n seek at our house too!

Nigbur Family said...

That is tooooo funny!

janna said...


Greg and Wendy said...

You've got to be kidding...the picture says otherwise, however! What an amazingly fun dad!

Lindsay said...

Wow! how on earth did he get up there?

Kelli said...

You should pass that picture around church. Our ward would see a whole different side to him :)!!!

Seth and Natalie said...

That's a pretty good hiding place. Really, all I have to do is hide in the tub behind the shower curtain and I'm safe for the rest of the day. We watched the Bednar video you recommended and really really liked it.
You should all try to make it up for one of our branding's. Seth's dad is pretty stickler on who he invites, but he loves having kids around and I'm sure you'd be on his "good" list.

Stacy said...

AHHHH! That's so funny. Oh my word. That's incredible.