Thursday, August 2, 2012


I'm trying to weed through the 100's of pictures I've taken this summer and catch up on my blog but I'm totally overwhelmed!   We've had an awesome summer thus far and have been able to do tons of fun things with both of our families.  Can I just say how thankful I am for both mine and DJ's families?  One of my friends said something the other day that just caused me to wake up and realize just how blessed I am. She comes from a really messed up family and she doesn't have much of a relationship with her mom.  She said after meeting my mom, "your mom is so sweet and so nice and so friendly, I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a normal mom."  I am lucky because I do have an amazing mother, a wonderful mother-in-law, and just an awesome family all the way around!  I found these pictures of my mother-in-law and just thought they were too sweet not to share.
Grandma Teichert with Maggie (my niece, Tatum's baby)  Isn't she the chubbiest most adorable little thing? 
Grandma Teichert with her newest Grandson, Julius Jonathan (Jonathan and Trinny's baby)
Grandma with Porter and Kami--they couldn't wait to show Grandma their bag of goodies from the dentist office the day before.  Grandma is such a good sport! 
Grandma and Janae enjoying the talent show put on by her granddaughters--they love Grandma's "stage" in front of her fireplace!!


Seth and Natalie said...

Grandma Teichert's make the best grandmas ever. It's true.

Greg and Wendy said...

I love that her cool glasses match her outfit! How did the dentist know? hehehe

Greg and Wendy said...

Or....are those glasses hers and she is just a "stylin' grandma! Gotta love Grandma T regardless!