Thursday, June 17, 2010

You know what's cute???

These two stink bugs!

They turned 2 last Friday. I still can't believe it. Seems like just yesterday when they were born but other times it seems like an eternity (you know what I mean)! I still can't figure out why Heavenly Father would trust me with twins but I'm sure glad he did. It's really not something I ever envisioned myself going through and though it's been one of the hardest things, it's definetly been one of the most rewarding. I love them both so much & can't imagine my life without them. Their relationship is one of a kind. They adore one another even though they are so completely different in every way. Their B-Day pictures did not turn out. I sure wish I had some skill in photography area but since I don't, this is what ya get! Love you both, Kamryn and Porter!


janna said...

how cute! Happy bday to them

Brooke said...

They are so cute! I can't believe how big they are getting. Twins are the best! They get more and more fun every day!

Seth and Natalie said...

Look at their great cakes! I bet they were excited. I'm so glad I actually got to see those little guys last week, what personalities they have. And they are even cuter in real life!

Greg and Wendy said...

Our little twin babies are no longer babies! We love their relationship and the fact that they make sure that if one of them has something, the other one must have one as well! Yes, they do have completely different personalities and faces and that will serve them well as they grow up. I think this is the best case scenario for twins! It is going to be great fun watching them! (Yea! We get to watch while you get to work! No fair, huh?)

Greg and Wendy said...

Those little cakes are to die for! I was so impressed and happy that you made separate cakes for each one of them! Good for you!

Jocelyn said...

I can now personally attest that they are two seriously cute and wonderful little stink bugs! I love them!

Jenelle said...

you've done so much! how do you keep up with it all? I guess that's what happens when I get busy and don't check the blogs as often as I should!