Thursday, June 10, 2010


Why am I so impatient with my kids? I'd like to blame it on sheer exhaustion from the past 2 years of my life taking care of our sweet little twins (who happen to turn 2 tomorrow:) Unfortunately, at some point I have to quit blaming my grumpiness on them and take some responsibility. Does it have to be today??? I really, really love summer break but it takes a while to adjust to having all 6 kids home all day. The sheer amount of laundry, dishes, meals, fights to break up, children to entertain, jobs to get done, errands to run, etc. just overwhelms me sometimes.


Brooke said...

It is absolutely overwhelming to have the kids at home. But you're an amazing mom, and the kids love being there with you, even if it means making an abnormal amount of messes! :) Good luck!

Nigbur Family said...

AMEN! Seriously Cindy, I ask myself this on a minute by minute basis and I only have 2 kids!

Greg and Wendy said...

What you are experiencing is so normal, honey, but I know that doesn't do much to relieve the guilt that accompanies loss of patience. Only the Savior and SLEEP and passage of time can help! That I know! You are a truly amazing Mom and never forget that! I wish I'd have had even half the patience you have and I only had four. Don't be too hard on yourself and remember how much Dad and I love you...and most importantly, how much Heavenly Father and the Savior love you.

Lindsay said...

Why? Because you are human. I stink a lot at this mom thing and I only have one baby. I can't imagine. Anyways, I really don't believe you...You are an amazing mom and I'm sure your bouts of impatience are nothing compared to some peoples. You're a huge example to me! Hope you know that..:)

Corinne Baird said...

Thank you for writing that! Maybe I'm normal. :-)