Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Funny for the day!

While driving to Sam's Club, this is the conversation I had with Kaleb:

Me: Kaleb, we're going to the store that we went to with Kade and Holly a couple of months ago.
Kaleb: Oh, yeah, I think it was called Joe's Store, right mom?
Me: Close Buddy, it's actually called, Sam's Club.
Kaleb: Remember we got ice cream there with Holly?
Me: Yes, but we're not a member yet so we can't buy ice cream there.
Kaleb: Yea mom, but we're a member of the church and that's great huh?
I've been trying to decide for over a year now whether or not I should get a Sam's Club card. After walking through the store for an hour today comparing prices, (because I'm a little bit obsessive compulsive when it comes to grocery shopping) I've decided we really need to join. Feeding 6 hungry kids is getting rather expensive and I think I just might be able to save some cash there. IF I can refrain from going down the candy isle, particarly to the Swedish Fish section. What is it about those yummy, addictive candies????


Seth and Natalie said...

If only our membership were free at Sam's Club too! I have a card to Costco, which I like a little better than Sam's Club, but it's only because I can go to Pocatello to go shopping if I feel like it, where with you there is no reason to head that way. I'm pretty good at staying away from the candy until Seth comes with, then we come home stocked up.

Brooke said...

I LOVE my Sam's Club card...I hate that you can't go there for less than $100 (which equates to like 5 items...) As long as you know your prices at the other stores you shop you can get really great deals on some things and not as great deals on other things. Their diapers and wipes rock, their sugar, flour and rice is cheap, and where can you get a bigger container of chocolate milk mix? :)

Greg and Wendy said...

I'm with Kaleb...membership in the Church IS the best! I never cease to be amazed at how their brilliant little minds work!

Jocelyn said...

Yes, those Swedish Fish are the devil!!!

Love Kaleb's comment -- that is so sweet and true and adorable!!!

I love Sam's Club so much, that it is usually one of my children's first words. :)

Greg and Wendy said...

Do you think love of Swedish Fish is hereditary? I'm convinced!