Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Proud wife!

Yes, I know we're not supposed to be prideful but if you'll excuse me just this once, I need to brag on my husband for a minute!  He was recently one of the recipients of the Exemplary Faculty awards at BYU Idaho where he has been teaching for the past 12 years! He, along with several others, was honored at an all employee banquet a couple of weeks ago where he received the Golden Apple award and a nice gift certificate but even more exciting than that was what was said about him by the Dean of his college
Brother D.J. Teichert has spread study skills tips and strategies in extremely innovative ways to thousands of students across the curriculum, across campus, and across the world.

He'd be totally mad at me if he knew I was writing all this about him but I want him to know how proud I am  of all of his accomplishments!  He has somehow managed to juggle life as a Teacher at BYU Idaho, Bishop of our ward , Father of 6 kids, and Doctorate Student at the University of Idaho (in Educational Leadership), and he's pretty amazing at all of these things!

I love lots of things about my husband and I guess the best way I can describe him is that he's, hardworking, motivated, intense, passionate (not in that way:), perfectionist, loving, honest, supportive, trustworthy, and dedicated.

The other thing I have always appreciated about him is that he appreciates the things that I do for the kids, the house, and for him. I'm sure I sound ridiculous when I say this because one might think that I need a constant pat on the back, but seriously, who doesn't like to be appreciated, especially when it comes to the mundane tasks of cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, night time routines, etc.! Anyway, he frequently expresses his appreciation to me about these things and if he senses that the kids aren't being appreciative, he's quick to call them on it.  He also frequently does the dishes, helps around the house, completes my "honey-do" lists without too much complaint:), and just keeps things going around the house.  He loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is dedicated to his call to moving the work forward both inside our home and out.     I so wish I could express myself better but I want him to know of my love and appreciation for all the good things he does for our family!

Dad with his hiking buddies!

D.J. with his older brother, Tim (DJ's on the right) It's sad but I have very few pictures of D.J., partly because he's not a very big fan of having his picture taken and partly because he spends a lot of his time at work, at school, and when he's home, he's stuck in the office working his guts out...there are only so many desk shot pictures a girl can take!:)

DJ with his wonderful mother...this has to be one of my favorite pictures of all time!  
Though these are totally out-dated, I love these because of DJ's smile!  I mentioned that he doesn't like pictures but Kara (our neighbor who took these photo's), is always good for a little joking around during the photo shoot!


Jocelyn said...

This makes me so happy to read. That is such a great compliment from his boss. And I love everything you wrote about him- (and you did it very eloquently!)- he is awesome.

Lindsay said...

What a special post!

Greg and Wendy said...

I always forget to check blogs! Sorry it took me so long because this is a wonderful post about a great man! You expressed yourself beautifully, honey, and you have every right to be very proud of him and all his accomplishments...that is a an immense amount of juggling he does without dropping the ball!