Saturday, May 18, 2013

Picture of the day!

I think we have another soccer fanatic in the house and her name is Kamryn Teichert!  Sad to say that the season is nearly over but boy has it been a fun one!  This group of kids that she plays with is pretty hilarious to watch, but seriously, I think any group of 5 year old's playing soccer is hilarious! 
The team consists of Kamryn, Larcen (her best buddy down the street) who's mom happens to be the coach, Taya, Rachel, Matthew, and Zach!  Larcen is pretty amazing with her footwork and Kamryn has some pretty good speed and is starting to get the hang of moving and passing the ball!  I had to laugh because after the first game/practice, Kamryn got in the car and informed me that she plans on playing the next season, and the next one, and the next one....I LOVE IT!  I never thought I'd be much in to soccer but Morgan's team has me converted and I'm pretty sure Kamryn is on her way to being as much a soccer lover as her big sister! 


Jocelyn said...

This picture is so awesome! Oh man, she melts my heart - what a go-getter! I have to say, I've grown to love soccer, too. Such a fun sport!

Greg and Wendy said...

Look at her form and footwork! She does have a lot of speed going for her and if passion for the game counts for anything, she is well on her way!