Thursday, July 26, 2012

A new kind of vegi

Look Mom, I picked a BIKINI from the garden!  Woops, I what he meant to say was a ZUCCHINNI! 

Porter is my garden picking buddy.  He loves to go and check to see if we have any new vegies and I have to remind him frequently NOT to pick things before I give him the go ahead.  He was totally proud of himself the morning he picked this beauty!
When we can't find Kam and Porter, this is where we look the pea patch! They are sooo excited about the garden produce, especially the peas and our huge raspberry patch that is just starting to produce!

Speaking of "garden buddies" ...Morgan loves the garden too, not the weeding part, :) but the planting, tending, harvesting, part.  We dug up a few of our red potatoes last night and she was right there excited to see how big they were.  I decided to try growing my own tomatoes this year and I'm sooooo excited, they actually worked out and Morg's spotted our very first orange tomato!  We have TONS of green ones but just a few that are starting to turn.  Salsa, salsa, salsa!!

This is Morgan checking for zucchini, (not bikini's) in our biggest zucchinin plant...I think we have 7-8 plants but this one is awesome!  I know we're seriously crazy for having so many plants but the kids love delivering it to the neighbors (even if the neighbor's lock their doors when they see us coming) hahah! 
Another garden lover, Jordyn, actually, she doesn't like weeding, doesn't like the spiders, doesn't like getting dirty, but loves picking shirts full of peas to snack on--see how stuffed her shirt is?  I always loved the pea patch as a kid!!  I didn't like eating them, just picking them, and I thought they were pretty disgusting.  But, because my siblings liked them and I didn't want them to think I was crazy, I swallowed them whole and pretended to LOVE them!

Here are our 7 tomato plants!  I'm almost giddy with excitement that I actually grew my own.  Morgan claimed one tomato plant for her own and she checks it faithfully!  I love to garden and love when I don't kill something off...I've done a lot of that over the years.  The sight of this little red tomato hanging on the vine just makes me smile!!!!!!!!   

Here is our garden, the thing that requires tons of hours a week but the thing that is teaching my kids lots of great lessons of hard work, following the prophet, self reliance, taking careful care of something you care about, not to mention, weeding, watering, harvesting, etc.  The first section is all raspberries and the 2nd section we are growing beans, peas, onions, potatoes, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, and corn. 


Seth and Natalie said...

Your garden is AWESOME!!! We are just starting to get blossoms on our peas, squash, and potatoes. Crazy what a few thousand feet make in gardening. I love your little yellow bikini, it's so great!

Greg and Wendy said...

Can't believe how beautiful your garden has grown since we last saw it! It was only a couple of weeks ago! You definitely have a green thumb, honey! Enjoy eating and sharing your "bikini"! We're doing the same!

Brooke said...

I am so jealous of your garden! Even if we could have one it would never be as awesome as yours! I totally wish we were your neighbors so we could have some extra zucchinis! :)

Unknown said...

Your garden looks beautiful!