Friday, March 23, 2012

The kiddos!

Spring has sprung.  At least for a few days so we're taking full advantage.  The kids absolutely love our neighbors sloped driveway for lots of reasons.  The main reason...the skateboard!  They did this for a solid hour yesterday and didn't even fight once. (an accomplishment at our house)  It was so cute to watch so instead of working on a million projects that await in my house, I sat outside and watched them.  I love when I do that because seriously, I don't do it near often enough.

To be a kid again!

Handsome Kaleb--dang he's cute even with a little frosting on his upper lip:)

Kam-what's not to love?

I can't believe they will be 4 years old in 3 months!   

Goofy and handsome Porter!  Gotta love this kid!


Greg and Wendy said...

Just look at the pure joy in each of their faces in every single picture! So glad you didn't miss this opportunity to relish the moment!

Seth and Natalie said...

The winking picture! Too bad our kids are all related, otherwise I'd be staking my claim! You really do have such cute kids, and everytime I've seen them so well behaved and fun.

Krystal Kats said...

What sweet little babes, you really have your hands full! what a blessing though.