Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lesson Learned!

Okay, so I learned my lesson never to leave the T.V. on during the day when no one is watching it. I rarely have the T.V. on anyway during the day because nothing but trash is on but since the Olympics are on, DJ and I watched a bit of the swimming this morning while getting ready for the day. Well, we both failed to turn it off before leaving to go about our activities around the house. At around 12:30 I asked Morgan where Jordyn was and she said she was watching a show so I went in to check on her and sure enough, she was enthrolled in the water polo or whatever that is called so I let her continue to watch and then around 1:15 I called everyone in to lunch and, no Jordyn, so I called again and after a couple of minutes she finally came in. I was thinking, "WOW," she's really enjoying the swimming, maybe I've got a future Olympian on my hands" (ha ha) so I asked her if she was enjoying the Olympics and she said, "well, it turned off and then there was this really good show on where these people are trapped in a room and they have to cover there mouths with cloths and there is this "pirate daddy," etc... I'm thinking, what show is she talking about so I went in the room to look and was alarmed to discover that she was watching a Soap Opera!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!! So, I don't have a future Olympian on my hands, I just have a Soap Opera Junky to deal with. (ha ha) Well, after I drilled Jordyn to make certain she hadn't seen something really bad, I got thinking how ridiculous it is that the Olympics couldn't be aired during this time because people needed their Soap Opera fix for the day. SAD!!! I guess I've learned my lesson, never to leave the T.V. on even if you are watching the Olympics.


Brooke said...

I noticed the same thing! I set the DVR to record anything Olympics related so that Shane and I could go back and watch them at night, only to see that half of one of the recordings was soap operas...seriously?!?! I'd rather watch water polo than more drama, I have enough of that in my own life!
Glad to see that you're all doing well. I'm sad to say that you're handling twins with four other kids than I am handling them with two. Congrats, you're amazing!

Lori Wilson said...

HILARIOUS! I can just imagine what Jordyn was thinking as she was watching that show. Sadly, it does take the mentality of a 2 year old to enjoy those shows, so they were probably beneath her level of intelligence! I had just been thinking the same thing about the Olympics this morning. I'm a total Olympics junkie and have really loved having something fun to watch while I'm ironing. Soap operas are a waste of good television time!! :)

Jocelyn said...

Hooray for the Olympics this year. They've made the excruciating process of nursing a newborn much more tolerable.
I am cracking up that Jordyn knew with such detail what was going on on the show. Yikes, right?!

janna said...

How funny!

It sounds like she was watch days of our lives. I don't watch it but did in the 80's. LOL

did the computer screen work?

Jaedon Flora said...

That is soooooooooo funny. Funnier I'm sure because it didn't happen to me. Ha Ha. I miss you guys. I want to get together some time. I can not believe the babies are 2 months old. Time flies. (Not so much when you have 2 month old twins) Hope you are making it! Love ya

The Florida Roses said...

Hilarious!!!! I think Jordyn is definitely Olympic material and does not fit the Soap Opera junky mold :) I love the "Pirate daddy" Funny stuff! We too are ADDICTED to the Olympics and I get a little sad to think they can't last forever! Love ya Cindy and can't believe the babies are getting so big!