I just got back from taking Kaleb, Jordyn, & the babies to the Malaleuca building where my nephew's wife works to trick or treat. Apparently, every year the different departments each choose a theme to decorate and dress up around! I've always heard about it but never gone so I was excited to get to take the kids. Richelle (my nephews wife) is such a sweet heart and held Porter so I wasn't seriously juggling babies. Anyway, it was so much fun, I was in awe at the time and effort they must've put in to decorating the rooms and putting together costumes. Some of the themes were, Disco, Star Wars, Charlie Brown, Jungle, Rock n' Roll concert, Peter Pan, and Jordyn's most favorite, High School Musical. Right when we got there, they took us upstairs to watch the people in the department perform one of the songs from the show. They had different people playing the parts such as Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, etc. and had learned the dances off the show so every 45 minutes they would perform again. Jordyn's face was classic, she was so excited and grinned from ear to ear the whole time. Anyway, they have tape all along the floor to guide you around to each department and they hand candy out all along the way by the handfull. Kaleb had perma grin the whole time.... he is the biggest candy-aholic there ever was. Jordyn also loved the Peter Pan room where you first walked by the pirates, then to Captain Hook's treasure box (full of gold coins and candy), then you walked the plank to Peter Pan, and then to Tinker Bell who was handing out "pixie dust" (pixie sticks) Seriously such cute ideas!! My favorite was the jungle room, they went all out with decorations, trees everywhere, a bird cage with real birds at the beginning, a waterfall, a giant paper snake, etc. My niece said it took 3 days to prepare everything. Pretty amazing and lots of fun! Thanks Richelle for the invite.

This was the "High School Musical" cast performing their songs. Jordyn had to be front and center and grinned from ear to ear the whole time. Except aftewards, she came up to me and whispered, "mom, that girl dressed like Sharpay was totally immodest." So all the way home, Kaleb kept saying, "Sharpay's shirt was so immodest, mom" What a mimmick

Jordyn with Tinker Bell

Richelle, Jordyn, & Kaleb

Jordy (as a bride), Kaleb (as a construction worker), Porter (bat), Kamryn (bunny rabbit) So adorable!!